как разлюбить and those other terms without other words

“Я хотел бы кто-то научи меня разлюбить.”

between desire and disaster

Le Mot Juste. French for ‘the right word at exactly the right time’. There seems to be a LOT of that taking up some serious real estate in my head the past few days. I admit I’ve become a word hoarder overnight. A junkie. Yesterday’s posts gave me such a high. I felt awash with love for words I’d never heard of before. I did a little research and have found plenty more hiding in the infinite corners of the Internet.

Here you go. I hope you enjoy them as I have, and use them in good health.

Dozywocie (Polish)

Many cultures share this concept, but Polish sums it up in a single word. “Parental contract with children guaranteeing lifelong support”

Jung (Korean)

A special feeling that is stronger than mere ‘love’ and can only often be proved by having survived a huge argument with someone.

Toska (Russian)


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